HM van Haaster & Zonen B.V.

is a family business that has been active in the production of Tulips, Hyacinths and Daffodils for more than 100 years.

Advice, knowledge and guidance

HM van Haaster is a well-known company in the flower bulb industry. The customer is always central to us. Thanks to our years of experience and enormous knowledge about flower bulbs, we are always happy to provide sound advice to the customer. We specialize in programming flower bulbs for pots and cut culture for growers at home and abroad.

Growing and exporting

HM van Haaster is one of the few flower bulb companies in the Netherlands that both grows and exports. This combination provides knowledge of the bulb market up to and including the end product and, if necessary, we can quickly respond to changes within the chain.

The export department naturally sells bulbs from its own nursery, but also makes targeted purchases from specific growers so that the customer gets exactly the bulbs he wants. The bulb program for pot or cut culture is discussed during discussions with the customer. According to that program, the bulbs are prepared and shipped through various temperature treatments.


In principle, you can contact us for all spring-flowering bulbous plants in pots. In our catalog you will get an impression of the different types and variants.

To Catalog